Pontianak, FISIPUNTAN. Workshop Tata Kelola Jurnal . Jelang akhir tahun 2021, FISIP UNTAN menggelar workshop jurnal program studi bagi ketua prodi dan tendik. Hadir sebagai narasumber workshop, Dr.Herry Sujaini, S.T., M.T. dari Pusat Ketahanan Jurnal dan Penerbitan (PKJP) Universitas Tanjungpura.

Workshop Tata Kelola Jurnal

FISIP berpeluang besar menuju jurnal akreditasi nasional. Sekurangnya 3 jurnal bisa diupayakan untuk terakreditasi tahun ini. Demikian menurut narasumber yang juga asesor jurnal nasional ini.

Selain sudah banyak jurnal FISIP yang ber-ISSN, memiliki publikasi artikel yang terbit terjadwal, juga beberapa sudah mempunyai DOI,  mengelola webportal jurnal, dan pemenuhan syarat lainnya yang bisa dipenuhi.

Komitmen Unsur Pimpinan Mendukung Akreditasi Jurnal

Tampak hadir Ketua Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi, Dr.Ira Patriani beserta Sekretaris Jurusan Dr.Rusdiono dan Sekretaris Sosiologi, Dra.Syarmiati, M.Si.

Jajaran pejabat di bagian Tata Usaha FISIP Untan, Drs Jamaluddin, MM dan Ishak Suhada, M.Si.

Kegiatan bertajuk Tata Kelola Jurnal Berkelanjutan Menuju Akreditasi Nasional ini berlangsung di Laboratorium Komputer FISIP Untan pada Kamis (30 Desember 2021).

Peserta Workshop Tata Kelola Jurnal

Peserta worskhop difokuskan kepada Kaprodi dan tendik, yang nantinya diharapkan menjadi motor penggerak dalam tata kelola jurnal-jurnal yang ada dilingkungan FISIP Untan.

Harapannya jurnal-jurnal itu agar semakin mantap menuju akreditasi jurnal nasional.

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Lokakarya dan Pelatihan OJS Jurnal Elektronis Untan

Peserta Workshop Jurnal Dari Ketua Program Studi

Kaprodi yang hadir diantaranya, Dr.Hj.Hasanah (Kaprodi Antropologi), Dr.Erdi, Ully Nuzulian, M.Si (Kaprodi Hubungan Internasional), Dewi Utami, M.Si (Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi).

Viza Juliansyah, MA (Kaprodi Sosiologi), Nurwijayanto, M.Si (Kaprodi Sosiatri), dan Bima Sujendra, M.Si (Kaprodi Ilmu Pemerintahan).

Kedepan para Kaprodi berperan menjadi editor jurnal masing-masing seperti jurnal Publika, Aspirasi, Governance, Komunika, Sovereign, Sociodev, Sociologique, dan lainnya.

Peserta Workshop Jurnal dari Dosen dan Tendik

Selain Kaprodi, peserta dari unsur tenaga pengajar dan tendik juga antusias mengikuti workshop diantaranya Azzomarayosra, M.HI, Kasdi Aryada, M.AP, Haryatno, Agustianus, Sos,

Erlina, Lita Tauhida, S.Sos, Hidayat, S.Sos, Asrul Suanda, SH, Dwiarno, S.Sos, M.Sos, Eka Prayudi, A.Md, dan Tiara Putri, SE.

Menuju Jurnal Akreditasi Nasional

Workshop yang diprakarsai pimpinan fakultas ini bertujuan agar tata kelola jurnal semakin baik dan mantap kedepannya sehingga siap menuju akreditasi.

Peserta tampak antusias mengikuti jalannya workshop, yang dibuka resmi Dekan Dr.H.Martoyo, dan dimoderasi oleh Wakil Dekan I Bidang Akademik, Dr.Herlan yang juga Ketua Kegiatan Workshop.

Workshop Tata Kelola Jurnal

Workshop Tata Kelola Jurnal

I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to learning skills. The only way to truly master a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are some people who will disagree. It is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they’ve heard or read. That number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. Following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

Workshop Tata Kelola Jurnal

In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

Subheading Distribution

I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to learning skills. The only way to truly master a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are some people who will disagree. It is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they’ve heard or read. That number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. Following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

Subheading Distribution

In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people who will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill.

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